Monday, November 2, 2015

Links to my "An Overview of GlassFish Server" article on OTechMag

My article titled An Overview of GlassFish Server is now published on OTechMag (Fall 2015 issue) and can be found here:

Unfortunately, several of the hyperlinks I had in the article did not make it to print, so I am including them here for your reference:
Oracle sponsored the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition (available on this Java website) but also maintained a commercial version dubbed Oracle GlassFish Server (available on this Oracle website)...
At one point Oracle was marketing Oracle GlassFish Server as providing “lower, more predictable costs” and “high quality” due to the very nature of “open source software [having] nothing hidden.”
For those running Oracle GlassFish Server 3.x, they are still supported under Oracle’s Lifetime Support Policy.
Oracle encourages those who require production level support to migrate to Oracle WebLogic Server. If your project is Java EE standardized, this should be fairly straightforward. Oracle states that “the primary role of GlassFish Server Open Source Edition has been, and continues to be, driving adoption of the latest release of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition” and that they “are planning for GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 5 as the foundation for the Java EE 8 reference implementation, as well as bundling GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 5 in a Java EE 8 SDK, which is the most popular distribution of GlassFish.”
For those seeking Oracle's indemnification which protects you from legal action associated with the open source software, and in specific GlassFish Server, you're out of luck. For those requiring a bit more clarification, check out the 6 Facts About GlassFish Announcement by Bruno Borges.


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