When installing Oracle Beehive 2.0, while the installer is going through the configuration assistant, it may fail during the "Oracle Beehive Database Configuration - Beehive Schemas" step when running the "create_beehive_tablespaces.sql" script.
Upon further inspection, the /u01/app/oracle/product/2.0.1/beehive_1/beehive/logs/config/db/schema_install/02.26.2011/schema_install_23_12_59.log log file reveals the following error:
[SYSTEM ] [2011-02-26 23:14:53] [Tablespace BEE_DATA is being created...]
[SYSTEM ] [2011-02-26 23:15:07] [CREATE TABLESPACE BEE_DATA]
[SYSTEM ] [2011-02-26 23:15:07] [*]
[SYSTEM ] [2011-02-26 23:15:07] [ERROR at line 1:]
[SYSTEM ] [2011-02-26 23:15:07] [ORA-19502: write error on file "/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/bee_data.dbf", block number 129024 (block size=8192)]
[SYSTEM ] [2011-02-26 23:15:07] [ORA-27072: File I/O error]
[SYSTEM ] [2011-02-26 23:15:07] [Linux-x86_64 Error: 25: Inappropriate ioctl for device]
[SYSTEM ] [2011-02-26 23:15:07] [Additional information: 4]
[SYSTEM ] [2011-02-26 23:15:07] [Additional information: 129024]
[SYSTEM ] [2011-02-26 23:15:07] [Additional information: 954368]
[SYSTEM ] [2011-02-26 23:15:07] []
[SYSTEM ] [2011-02-26 23:15:07] []
[FINE ] [2011-02-26 23:15:07] [Helpers::CommandExecuter::executeSQLCommandAndReturnData Line 335 ] [Time taken to execute command @create_beehive_tablespaces.sql : 24.951589 secs]
[SEVERE ] [2011-02-26 23:15:07] [Helpers::CommandExecuter::executeSQLCommandAndReturnDataIfSuccess Line 277 ] [Error occurred while running the command @create_beehive_tablespaces.sql . Exit code is 1.]
[INFO ] [2011-02-26 23:15:07] [Helpers::Logger::closeLogger Line 834 ] [Closing the log file : /u01/app/oracle/product/2.0.1/beehive_1/beehive/logs/config/db/schema_install/02.26.2011/schema_install_23_12_59.log]
This is directly related to the fact that there is not enough disk space. The Beehive database creation scripts creates all tablespaces with autoextend set to on, and a clean install of the database takes approximately 16 GB.
Applicable Versions:
- Oracle Beehive 2.0.1

Hi, I have a problem when install Oracle Beehive 2.0 on Solaris 10 sparc. When configure db with configWizard the tablespace BEE_DATA fills, reaching more than 35GB on disk usage. You'll have any comments?
Is this really a problem? Disk space is cheap these days, so though this seems to be quite a lot for an unseeded database, with appropriate sizing you should be okay. Or are you actually experiencing issues during the installation?
Bad news though. As much as I liked the product, it is dead. This is straight from Oracle's mouth.
It is a problem encountered in Beehive 2.0. Beehive 2.0 does not certify the installation on an Oracle database 11R2 (
This was the response of MyOracleSupport:
"Database release is not certified for Against Beehive 2.0.1 installation.
It is only supported when to Beehive Against 2.0.1.x is already installed release database or other database supported and certified As described in the install guide. An upgrade to Beehive is installed after Then is supported. "
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