Thursday, April 7, 2016

Running RDA for Oracle WebLogic Server 12c (12.1.1)

Never ran an RDA (Remote Diagnostic Agent) before? It is a way to collect comprehensive diagnostic information to provide to Oracle Support.

Some WebLogic Server versions have RDA already installed under the ~/oracle_common or ~/utils folder. If not, you may need to download, install, and run it on your own.


1. Download RDA from the My Oracle Support website:
2. Copy the downloaded zip file to /tmp.

3. Run these commands:
cd $MW_HOME/utils

unzip /tmp/

mv readme.txt rda

cd $MW_HOME/utils/rda

./ -s wls_issue -p WebLogicServer

(follow the prompts)

gtar -czvf wls_issue.2016.tgz wls_issue
3. Send the wls_issue.2016.tgz file to Oracle Support.

Sample Output

Below is a sample output of the prompts (anything in red is manually inputted):
RDA.BEGIN: Initializes the Data Collection
Enter the Oracle home to be used for data analysis
> /u01/app/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/soa_domain

RDA.CONFIG: Collects Key Configuration Information
OS.OS: Collects the Operating System Information
OS.PROF: Collects the User Profile
OS.NET: Collects Network Information
OS.PERF: Collects Performance Information
OFM.WREQ: Handles the Oracle WebLogic Server Collection Requests
Are custom scripts used to start Oracle WebLogic servers (Y/N)?
Press Return to accept the default (N)
> N

Do you want RDA to capture thread dumps when a data collection module requires on-line collections (Y/N)?
Press Return to accept the default (Y)
> N

OFM.WLS: Collects Oracle WebLogic Server Information
Select a Oracle WebLogic Server domain home target list:
  1  Domain medrec (in
  2  Domain medrec-spring (in
  3  Domain soa_domain (in
  4  Domain wl_server (in

  A  All Oracle WebLogic Server domain home targets
  D  Define a new Oracle WebLogic Server domain home target
  E  Edit an Oracle WebLogic Server domain home target
  N  No Oracle WebLogic Server domain home targets

Enter your selection, as a comma-separated list of item numbers or ranges
Press Return to accept the default (3)
> 3

Server list for 'soa_domain' - domain home (in
Two or more managed servers have been discovered.
  1  AdminServer
  2  osb_server1
  3  osb_server2
  4  soa_server1
  5  soa_server2
Enter your selection, as a comma-separated list of item numbers or ranges
Press Return to accept the default (1-5)
> 1-5

Enter the user name to connect to the AdminServer of 'soa_domain' domain
Press Return to accept the default (weblogic)
> weblogic

RDA.OCM: Set up the Configuration Manager Interface
RDA benefits from Oracle Configuration Manager by improving its data
collection. Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) collects the configuration
information and uploads it to the OCM Repository in connected mode. When OCM
is configured in disconnected mode, it adds the OCM payload to the RDA report
packages in future RDA runs.

Pending Configurations in /u01/app/oracle/middleware:
  MH_T0002  Middleware home /u01/app/oracle/middleware

Hit 'Return' to continue

Do you want RDA to configure OCM now (Y/N)?
Press Return to accept the default (Y)
> N

RDA.STATUS: Produces the Remote Data Collection Reports
RDA.LOAD: Produces the External Collection Reports
RDA.FILTER: Controls Report Content Filtering
RDA.END: Finalizes the Data Collection
RDA Data Collection Started 04-May-2016 10:55:32
Processing RDA.BEGIN module ...
Processing OS.PERF module ...
Processing RDA.CONFIG module ...
Processing OS.OS module ...
Processing OS.PROF module ...
Processing OS.NET module ...
Processing OFM.WLS module ...
Processing OFM.WREQ module ...
Enter 'weblogic' user password for 'soa_domain' domain: welcome1
Re-enter it to confirm:
This can take time. Be patient ...
Processing HCVE tests ...
Performing HCVE checks ...

Test "WLS PostInstall Check: WebLogic Server 12c (12.x) Generic" executed at 04-May-2016 11:04:32

Test Results

ID     NAME                 RESULT  VALUE
====== ==================== ======= ==========================================
A10000 Domain List          RECORD  soa_domain
A10005 -- soa_domain Domain --
A10010 Domain directory     RECORD  /u01/app/oracle/middleware/user...
A10011 Domain valid?        PASSED  isValid
A10015 Domain URL           RECORD
A10016 Domain User Name and RECORD  weblogic/***
A10020 WLS Version          RECORD  12.1.1
A10021 Version 12?          PASSED  VersionIsGood
A10100 Admin server name?   PASSED  AdminServer
A10110 Server names?        PASSED  AdminServer osb_server1 osb_server2 s...
A10120 Installed Patch List RECORD  no patches installed
A10130 config.xml Data      RECORD  General Server Configurations, value ...
A10140 JDBC Configuration   RECORD  Data from EBS_Datasource-4735-jdbc.xm...
A10150 JMS Configuration    RECORD  Data from soa_process_jms_module1-jms...
A05000 JMS bytes-maximum    FAILED  The following do not have bytes-maxim...
A05001 JMS messages-maximum FAILED  The following do not have message-max...
A05002 JDBC pinned-to-threa FAILED  The following do not have pinned-to-t...
A05003 JDBC statement-cache FAILED  The following do not have statement-c...
A05004 JDBC statement-cache FAILED  The following do not have statement-c...
A05005 Server native-io-ena PASSED  protected
A05006 Cluster frontend-hos FAILED  The following do not have cluster fro...
A05007 Virtual-host max-pos PASSED  protected
A05008 Server max-post-size FAILED  The following do not have max-post-si...
A05009 Server max-open-sock FAILED  The following do not have max-open-so...
A05010 Config server ssl ho PASSED  protected
A05011 JVM heapsize         PASSED  protected
A05012 JDBC WaitingForConne PASSED  protected
Result file: wls_issue/collect/OFM_HCVE_P_WLS12_gen_res.htm
Processing RDA.LOAD module ...
Processing RDA.END module ...
RDA Data Collection Ended 04-May-2016 11:04:35

  You can review the reports by transferring the
  /u01/app/oracle/middleware/utils/rda/wls_issue directory structure to
  a location where you have web-browser access. Then, point your browser at
  this file to display the reports:

  Based on your server configuration, some possible alternative approaches
  - If your client computer with a browser has access to a web-shared
    directory, copy the ? directory structure to the web-shared directory and
    visit this URL:
  - If your client computer with a browser has FTP access to the server
    computer with the ? directory, visit this URL:

  If this file was generated to assist in resolving a Service Request, send
  /u01/app/oracle/middleware/utils/rda/ to
  Oracle Support by uploading the file via My Oracle Support. When sending
  with FTP, make sure you send it in BINARY format.

  Note: Do not submit any health, payment card or other sensitive production
  data that requires protections greater than those specified in the Oracle
  GCS Security Practices
  Information on how to remove data from your submission is available at

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