With our recent transition from IPNWeb to Raastech, there was the issue of wanting to maintain all of our emails. We would be continuing business with many of the same clients, so we wanted to keep the history of past communications without having to go through flat files.
Luckily being on Google apps for both old and new we were able to use the built in Mail Fetcher available to us. While this is nothing revolutionary or new, it is an often overlooked tool. The Mail Fetcher uses the POP3 protocol. The process below simplifies the steps described in the associated links.
1. Enable POP3 on the source gmail account.
2. Create application specific password for target gmail account. (Only necessary for 2-step auth users)
3. Add source gmail account to the checked emails. (Using app-specific password if necessary)
While this is a great tool, just remember that if you're switching companies that you may not have rights to the emails owned by the previous company. Check your company data policies before attempting to transfer out any business emails.

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