Friday, April 5, 2013

Raastech @ Collaborate 13

Going to Collaborate 13 in Denver? Come see us!

If you work with Oracle SOA Suite, we're confident you'll find our presentations beneficial. And please stop by and introduce yourself. We'd love to hear from you about the product... or even just to say hello!

Ahmed Aboulnaga

Wednesday, April 10
12:15pm - 12:45pm

Mile High Ballroom 3C

Double the Performance of Oracle SOA Suite 11g? Absolutely!

One change will result in an immediate 32% performance improvement of your Oracle SOA Suite 11g infrastructure. Another will result in a further 24% performance improvement. In this presentation, we share specific recommendations on what to do to maximize your performance, covering areas surrounding JVM, JTA, data sources, auditing, routing rules, composite applications, HTTP references, consoles, operating system, and much more. This is the most comprehensive collection of performance tuning recommendations for Oracle SOA Suite 11g, implemented at too many customers to count.
Harold Dost

Wednesday, April 10
4:15pm - 5:15pm

Mile High Ballroom 3C
Oracle SOA Suite 11g Troubleshooting Methodology

Most troubleshooting guides simply list out solutions to common errors. This presentation introduces a troubleshooting methodology surrounding performance, composite instances, deployment, and logging. The goal is to better equip you with the ability to solve most problems as they pertain to the SOA infrastructure and its executed transactions. Learn where to look and what to look for. This is a presentation every Oracle SOA Suite 11g developer and administrator should attend.

I'm also part of the IOUG 20th Anniversary Expert Lunch Panel. If you haven't already done so, consider registering for the 20th Anniversary Upgrade Package, which is not too expensive. An event like this doesn't happen very often, so check out the link for more information.

See you all there!

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