It has been very difficult for myself and my family, and he is going to be missed dearly.
My father has an M.S. in Computer Science and a Ph.D. in Information System Management. He spent the majority of his professional career within IT consulting and IT project management. My passion in technology, art, and philanthropy is greatly influenced by him, and I am both deeply grateful and extremely proud to be his son.
Please keep him in your prayers, as he was a good man who was often there for others.

allah yr7amoh wy7sen 2eleh ..
wyskenoh fe fase7 gammatoh wyt3'amadoh fe ra7mateh
w2an ytgawaz 3an say2atoh wyda3ef men 7asanatoh yarab.
we all will miss him..but am sure he will keep by our side forever with his smile and his careness about everybody 's else.
Ahmed I will be w8ing to c you when u get back to egypt...
btw we are one family sure u didnt c me b4 but ur dad was my mum's oncle
i ll search ur name on facebook prob we can talk from time to time
or u can find me there on:
fe r3ayet ellah wa2amneh ..Salam alikom warahmat allah wbarakatoh.
Thanks Omar.
He was a good man, and I'm not saying so because he's my father. He continued helping others up until his death, ensuring that family and friends who were less fortunate would be taken care of long after he was gone.
He will be greatly missed.
إن لله وإن إليه راجعون
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