When deploying a Mediator 11g project to SOA Suite 11g using ant, we received the following error:
[input] skipping input as property serverURL has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property sarLocation has already been set.
[deployComposite] setting user/password..., user=ahmed
[deployComposite] Processing sar=/u01/svn/HelloWorld/deploy/sca_HelloWorld_rev1.0.jar
[deployComposite] Adding sar file - /u01/svn/HelloWorld/deploy/sca_HelloWorld_rev1.0.jar
[deployComposite] INFO: Creating HTTP connection to host:app-soa11g-dev.intranet.local, port:8001
[deployComposite] INFO: Received HTTP response from the server, response code=500
[deployComposite] ---->response code=500, error:There was an error deploying the composite on soa_server1: oracle.mds.transfer.TransferException:
[deployComposite] MDS-00001: exception in Metadata Services layer
[deployComposite] MDS-00515: failure to create document /deployed-composites/default/HelloWorld_rev1.0/xsl/Transformation1.xsl in the metadata repository
[deployComposite] <Line 17, Column 5161>: XML-20124: (Fatal Error) An attribute cannot appear more than once in the same start tag.
1. Open the project in JDeveloper 11g
2. In our case, the following namespace prefix line was duplicated twice, resulting in the error above. Delete one of the duplicate lines and try again:
Applicable Versions:
- Oracle SOA Suite 11g (11.1.1.x)

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